Free Business Market Value Analysis

Contact Our Team to Get Your Free Business Market Value Analysis*
The most important aspect of selling a business is Business Valuation. As a seller, you want to get the maximum value for your business, have confidence in the price your business is on the market for, and know the price that you accept is a fair one.
No one wants to leave money on the table. Likewise, an inflated value, while initially flattering, will only result in the business sitting on the market with few, if any inquiries and a great deal of time wasted.
Pacific Business Sales offers a free Market Value Analysis to business owners considering selling their business. We use Peercomps professional business valuation software for our Free Market Value Analysis which includes compararable sales data from closed SBA financed transactions.
We also offer a range of independent third-party valuations for instances where a more comprehensive or independent valuation is required.
Pacific Business Sales is a licensed California Business Broker, DRE #02061395.
* Pacific Business Sales reserves the right to decline the provision of a free market value analysis at its sole discretion,
Business Market Value Analysis
Our Business Market Value Analysis (also called a Calculation of Value or Broker Opinion of Value) is comprehensive using comparable sales earnings multiples from nationwide databases and the Income Method to calculate the market value of your business. We use PeerComps professional business valuation software for our Market Value Analysis. Peercomps uses the same valuation methodologies used by business appraisers and business valuation analysts.
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