How to Pick the Right-Best Business Broker to Sell Your Business
After deciding to sell your business, the next step, and critical decision, is who will represent you in the sale of your business and guide you through the process. Your...
After deciding to sell your business, the next step, and critical decision, is who will represent you in the sale of your business and guide you through the process. Your...
SBA financing is a win-win for business buyers and sellers. Getting an SBA Loan to buy or finance the sale of a business is a great way for buyers to...
Scams and rip-offs related to selling a business range from identity theft to literally stealing your business. Here’s a list of some common scams and rip-offs to watch out for...
What is due diligence? Why does a buyer need to perform due diligence? What information, records, and/or financial materials will the buyer want to access? How long will due diligence...
In our Blogs on Developing an Exit Strategy and How to Prepare to Sell Your Business we talked about how to Maximize the Value of Manufacturing Your Business which is obviously a high priority...
Great news for business owners-sellers and business buyers in 2021! 6 Months No Payments on New SBA Loans from February thru September 2021 plus PPP Loan Program 2021! The COVID Relief...
E-commerce businesses operate with different business models from conventional brick-and-mortar businesses. The primary differences are the operational and technological aspects of the business which are often key to the company’s...
The UCLA Anderson Economic Forecast for 2021 is looking very promising with projected GDP growth roaring back in the second quarter of 2021. California is expected to have higher growth than...
UCLA economists are predicting an economic rebound in 2021 after a few weak months in early 2021. Basically it will be a continued gloomy COVID winter, with a spring rebound...
Every business owner wants to get the maximum value for their manufacturing business when they decide to sell it. As middle-market business brokers specializing in manufacturing business for sale in Orange County between $1million and...